Rod Jefferson has worked in the printing industry for over 20 years. He is originally from Florida where he first started in the printing business. When he married and moved to the Cayman Islands, he worked at a local print shop here in Grand Cayman. After spending a couple of years there, in 2013 he decided that he wanted to create a business that was honest, trustworthy and allowed him to follow his passion. That is how Executive Services was born.
Originally, Executive Services started as just a printing company and then began to branch off to other areas. When the pandemic hit, in March 2020, he decided to incorporate shipping services into his business as a means to keep his business alive. Today, his business thrives in both areas due to honest business decisions, a great team working behind him and his loyal customers who have the utmost confidence in the work he produces.
100% Approved

by Customers

Gerne erwähne ich die hervorragende Kundenbetreuung, die ich während unserer Geschäftsvereinbarung erhalten habe, und ich hoffe, dass dies auch in Zukunft so bleibt! Vielen Dank für die sichere und pünktliche Lieferung, ich schätze es!

Peter Jones

Peter Jones


Dies ist nicht das erste Mal, dass wir es mit Ihrem Unternehmen zu tun haben, und wir können auf keinen Fall auf einen anderen Frachtlieferdienst umsteigen. Vielen Dank für die tollen Funktionen und Vorteile, die uns zu einem wirklich glücklichen Kunden machen. Viel Glück in der Zukunft!

James Morris

James Morris


Ich habe vor einem Jahr ein Importgeschäft gegründet, und obwohl ich mehrere Speditionsunternehmen kontaktierte, war es FreightCo, das immer schnell Antworten auf meine vielen Fragen gab. Deshalb begann ich mit diesem Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten, und ich bin wirklich froh, dass ich das gemacht habe.

Molly Cooper

Molly Cooper

Leitender Manager
Peter JonesProjektleiteJames MorrisProduktmanagerMolly CooperLeitender Manager


From booking to communications, to payment: FreightCo helps you transport freight faster, cheaper, safer, and easier, so you can stay focused on your business

Best Logistics

We provide the best logistic service on the market, all over the globe.

Cargo security

Our clients get 100% guarantee for secure shipping & handling.

Full Service

In case you have an enquiry, or an urgent question, our support is there.

On-Time Delivery

We know how to make it in time and set the right terms for deliveries.

Any Payment Method

All payment methods are acceptable for ordering our services.

Cargo Tracking

Track all your shipments online using the tracking form and ID.
All Rights Reserved to Executive Services 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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